March 31, 2014

[Under $50} An Anthropologie Splurge Kind of Day

The last few days of the month usually marks the stream of emails flooding my account from various retailers, highlighting the new monthly collections. Zara does it, Banana Republic does it, Asos does it...but I usually end up taking a look when Anthropologie does it.

Anthro is one of those places that I LOVE to look but rarely get the merchandise. If it was rated by a Yelp of retailers, it would have three dollar signs. However, when they put things on sale, the number of dollar signs go WAY down. Anthro is also one of the most modest style friendly places I've ever come about - styles that have interest and are more than a basic block-color tunic. For women who are interested in modest style (or Pentecostal or Hijabi or what have you styles), sale-priced Anthropologie is the way to go.

So again, when the email came in this morning and I hit up their Sale section, these items instantly caressed their long tentacles towards my credit card.

My favorite are these Prospect Pants, which I think would be awesome for the spring as socializing or work pants. Click on the images below. The tops and sweaters have more color options, so make sure to check it out if you're in the market for brights.