April 16, 2014

[Workout Wednesday] A New Crop of Long Length Workout Tops

As I sit here, eating the last of the Lovely Candy Co caramels received at a recent conference, I have to wonder what business I have posting a new Workout Wednesday. I am eating bon bons and talking about fitness fashion. Though what puts one more in the mood for a good, sweat-dripping workout than new clothes?

The focus is on long workout tops today, as requested by my sweet, loyal friend and Greater Lengths follower, Kate. Kate's got the body of a model - made of height and legs and lean muscle. She's a recent CrossFit convert, a running inspiration (she's completed 4 Marine Corps Marathons!) and made a beautiful bride last year to a very lucky guy. In short, she's awesome. Oh yeah, and she's a Rodan + Fields consultant - check out her page here.

Such a woman still has her needs and one of them is tunic length modest tops to reach past her waist. She wrote,
"You recommended a New Balance tank which I am obsessed with. I should have bought 10 of them but I didn't so now I'm on the hunt for a tank that covers my bum."
FYI - she's referencing the blue New Balance tunic running top shown in this post.

Because it's spring (well, except for today, if you're on the east coast - brr!) and because that's as good a reason as any to pick up your spring workouts, here are long, modest workout tops for anyone. Keep in mind that the sleeveless options can be layered with shorter, cropped longer sleeved options to maximize your modesty preference.

Click on the items below to go directly to the retailers page. Remember, if you like the style but not the color shown here, the retailer may have additional color options.