It happened! It finally happened! I graduated and walked across the stage and can officially say I hold a Masters in Business Administration from a top 25 business school! I have been in school the entire existence of this blog and even before, a student working on her degree part-time while working full-time as a consultant.
The countdown to graduation began a few months ago, as did the anticipation for my outfit. I decided not to buy a new dress for graduation. I haven't had my eyes on anything lately - at least not in the dress category - and I also own enough clothes that I could re-wear something in a fresher way.
This is what I started with:
Which I've worn like this before (wide leather belt, tall leather riding boots, and an aqua long-sleeved shirt)
Hanging with one of my favorite bands, Parachute |
But for graduation, I needed something unique. I knew I wanted to wear my
new Jessica Simpson heels in Miss Piggy (a soft baby pink) and decided to take a chance on the pink/neutral/orange combo. This dress is a midi and part of it falls around my knees - definitely too much skin if worn on its own.
I settled on wearing stockings with piggy pink tights from Target with a blouse picked up from H&M.
A few weeks before graduation, I showed my mom the outfit, to which she commented that my legs were still "bare". You see, I grew up with the belief that a Muslim women is covered when you don't see her form, not simply when her skin is covered. Acting as a typical child, even at 31, I brushed off my mom's concern when she expressed it, but the comment lingered with me...I didn't feel like I'd really modest-ified the dress enough.
But what to do? I wanted to wear the dress as a dress for an elegant affair - not layered with pants, and clearly tights or anything similar were out of the question.
The solution came in the form of safety pins and my undergarments.
**See part 2 of of my graduation outfit post tomorrow! Here's a teaser in the meantime!**