September 4, 2012

Modest Marvel: Rahma Iqbal (ISNA day 2)

Our next modest Modest Marvel floored me with her age.  She's in 7th grade!! Talk about starting early when it comes to fashion.  And by the looks of it, she's a child prodigy!  I loved her use of a long top (shout out to Simply Zeena, where she got it) as the centerpiece of her ensemble, coordinating the rest of her outfit from there.

Tell us About Yourself: "I'm a 7th grader from Genesee Academy in Flint, Michigan and I like to shop online."
Tell us About Your Style:  "I don't think I pay too much attention to trends, I just try to find different pieces that I like and put them all together."
What Makes the Outfit? "The top makes the outfit."
If you had a no-limit gift card to any store or brand, what would it be?  "Forever 21."

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