October 10, 2013

FAVORITE FIND: Tinley Road Chevron Print Dress from Piperlime

As I wrote on Facebook, I'm on cloud nine after getting an email from a reader.  Mav emailed me to tell me how much she LOVES (it was in all caps!) the blog.

I love hearing from you guys and knowing that this blog is making your modest shopping mission easier, but that you aren't breaking the bank and loving what you're wearing.  I don't do this for (much) money (really it's just enough to keep it going! Clicks on links = money towards the block!) - it's more to keep people from feeling the frustration I did during my black bridesmaid dress search.

Anyway, here's a post for tonight before I go bake some goodies for my older brother's birthday (yes, I know it's 11:22 pm at night, but apparently sleep is not for me tonight - plus, I'm too hyped from the email!)  It's a beautiful chevron print dress, part of the Tinley Road brand at Piperlime.  This long-sleeved dress can be worn as a top with a great pair of jeans or trousers, or even with leggings and tall boots.

At only $32, it's a wonderful addition to your closet.  With a long boyfriend sweater, it's transitions easily from early to late fall!

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