October 8, 2012

FAVORITE FIND: Aryn K White Blazer at South Moon Under

South Moon Under is classified under the "look but don't buy" category for me.  I once scored a $50 dress, which I purchased while gainfully unemployed and ultimately kept as a gift for completing my first 1/2 marathon.

Still, while it is in that category, I I like to look.  A lot.  And every now and then I get lucky, like today by finding this Aryn K White Blazer for only $29.99.  Chances are that it'll sell out fast, so if you're in the market for a longer lengths blazer, great with jeans and a tunic top or for that modest office attire, this one is one to have.

Aryn K White Blazer
Aryn K White Blazer at South Moon Under

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