February 7, 2014

Blue and Geometric

Sometimes it's hard to see a pattern until it's all in front of you. You don't realize how much you've been in Greek food until you look back at your food diary for the past two weeks. Or you don't know you have a coffee problem until your credit card clears all the daily purchases.  In my case, the pattern has been blue, geometric, and tunic length tops.

I usually get pretty antsy about spring at this time of year.  I need it.  I want it.  I can almost smell it in the air.  And that need is manifested in my recent collection of pinned tops from Ruche.  It wasn't until I looked back at the collected pins, that I realized I am ready for the light blue skies that late March brings with it.

Now is a great time to stock up on tunic-lengthed tops for you modest fashionistas.  Springtime makes long blouses and airy sheath dresses short in supply and high in cost - neither of which are in these tops and dresses from Ruche.

Ruche is great for modest fashion - they've got unique pieces that give personality, without making anyone double take or question why one is "covered" in the spring and summer.  If you purchase any of these, let us know in our comments!

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