February 19, 2014

[Workout Wednesday] Modest Gym and Fitness Tops

It prides me to say that the most common reasons Greater Lengths is stumbled upon is the search for modest workout clothes. This implies a lot of things:

  1. Women who dress modestly are not letting clothing get in the way of their fitness
  2. In general, women are seeking more modest ways of covering up while working out
  3. My blog is providing solutions to these needs!

I do get a sincere sense of satisfaction and motivation when I get comments like these on the blog:

In the name of alliteration and all things modest fitness apparel, welcome to the first installment of “Workout Wednesday”, a regular feature which will be dedicated to the fitness clothes available on the retail market that defy the typical body-skimming athletic apparel trend. This is a double benefit for me as I am trying to get back into a normalized running routine and having new clothes is a spring of motivation.

Please leave comments and your thoughts. I love knowing your opinion!

1 comment:

sameera said...

i love this idea of workout wednesdays..