February 17, 2014

[Style Series Africa Edition] Tweede Nuwe Jaar in Cape Town

In the weeks prior to jaunting off to Cape Town, I posted this entry on the jumpsuit I purchased as a "Black Friday Deal" (sadly, it was not as much of a deal as I usually like, but I couldn't let it sell out on me).  Leading up to the departure of my trip, I didn't have an opportunity to wear it or really, the guts to pull it off in person.  The jumpsuit, all wonderful jersey surpliceness of it, hung there in my closet, asking for its day in the sun.

Patience is a virtue because when I started packing for Africa, it was the #1 thing on my list to bring, donning it on the first non-active day of the trip (day 1 and day 2 consisted of hiking and a day safari...those outfits coming soon). That day came on the Cape Town celebration of Tweede Nuwe Jaar, when the city has its Minstrel Celebration.

Tweede Nuwe Jaar reaches back to the days of slave trade and servants in Cape Town, when the disenfranchised would generally work on New Year's Day for their masters and employers; they waited until the day after New Years to hold their celebration. The tradition continues and the city even pushed off the celebration a few days to accommodate the Muslim Friday prayer (so it was held on Saturday, January 4).


(more after the jump)

Like this:
Bar III Cap-Sleeved Harem Jumpsuit // H&M blouse // Forever 21 belt // Seychelles sandals
I layered with a chiffon-cotton button down shirt from H&M, these Seychelle sandals, and a mint-colored Forever 21 belt.  Oh yeah, and my trusty Knockaround mint smoke sunglasses.

The actual Bar III Cap-Sleeved Harem jumpsuit is sold out at Macy's but they have a new version out now.  Check out other options below for getting your own Tweede Nuwe Jaar outfit below!

A few more photos, with Sarah Khan of the blog The South AfriKhan, who I met through a friend of a friend. She graciously hosted me in Cape Town, showing the best ways to experience Cape Town. I highly recommend using her blog if you're planning any trip, ever, anywhere.

Happy Tweede Nuwe Jaar!


Sarah Khan said...

Aw thanks for the shoutout, had so much fun with you and loved taking your pics. I actually went to Macys online to buy the jumpsuit but it's sold out, like you said, what's the new version though?

Farrah Khan said...

Of course! I'm hoping we can meet up again in DC when you're here. Try this link: http://goo.gl/JJ0xlW - for the new version. In the widget with the various options for other jumpsuits, the new version should be in the middle of the top row, but sometimes the items jump around.

The jumpsuit is It's $69 right now, which I think I got for about $55. I got a small, which fit well, except that I might have liked the legs to be a 1/2 inch longer. You should probably go X-Small though.

sameera said...

i would never consider wearing a jumpsuit..and they usually aren't worn well..but you pulled it off and so effortlessly..great pictures ..